Some light skinned person with an open jacket tits out is striking a pose
Sketch of a person on orange background
Rough painting of a person from a distance, sitting on a bed, face lit up by something (Artists note: It is a Nintendo DS)
Someone facing away. Sitting on a round bench in public.
Person on a round bench in a mall, looking shocked
Drawing fo a borzoi running and a closeup of a borzoi face. Text reads: I believe that the heart does go on
Lion person with an orange circle next to its head, making its skin bright white where it overlaps
MSpaint drawing on a big lion with human arms, sitting on a hill of sorts
white lines on black background, a strangely posed lion with a human face. Text reads, translated: It goes upwards. The lion is climbing
MSpaint drawing of a person in an orange hoodie surrounded by three strange but friendly lions (uncolored)
MSpaint sketch of someone tying their hair up, shirtless
Lion person, covering half their face with a hand. Headshot
Open shirted human looks down at a checkmark box on their chest
Sketch of a two legged cat, and the same two leggec cat walking around with pants on
Tegaki drawing on someone in hawaii print shorts climbing out of an overgrown swimming pool into tall plants. There is a spotlight on them!?