2025 Hourly comic day 2025. Drawn from feb 1 to 13 ?? at night. Checking phone. 8.40. Sitting on bed, thinking: 'I really should just cut my hair properly' 9.12am. Messy kitchen. Seasoning a chipped pann. You catch me on a boring day during interesting times. Comparison between the chip on my pan and the old blister on my thumb. 9-37am. Cleaning the kitchen. Pan is still seasoning. 10.46am. Flapping rug outside. 11.39am. Sitting on couch, I get a nice text enguiring about a feelings matter. I don't want to talk about it. 12.25pm. All the dogs are out right now. Hello dogs. 13.28pm. Fixing moth holes in knitwear. 14.52pm. Hanging laundry. I find this popular expensive brandname duvet cover in the swap. But am I the kind of person it expresses? Forced to battle my normie prejudice. 15.44pm. Hanging second load of laundry, listening to Svetlana Aleksijevitj's book: 'unwomanly face of war' 17.28pm. See mon from window. Outside I am looking at the moon and single star over the water. 18.20pm. More dogs in the streets. This has been restated many times but what in the world is the dog. Shows a dog getting wrung out and stretched by hands. 19.00pm. Watching dinner cook on stove. 20.46pm and onwards. Cat is drawing hourlies.
2024 Hourly comic day 2024. Drawn on feb 7+8. 6.47am. View of open window with plants and bird decorations. Text says It gets light between 7 and 8 now. What more do you people want? 9am ish. Breakfast. Bowl of oats and half an apple. Text points to apple stem and seeds, saying: Did you know? This is the best part of the apple... 10am. Viwq of me in the couch, in my room with plants and drawers. Text says: All I do these days is READ! 12.15pm. Me walking and crouching. Text says: On my walk, I finally realise my jacket makes me miserable. I hate how it makes me be percieved. Previous continued.I watch myself crouch further in on myself, like a hermit crab. Text says: I'm committed to finding my clothes second hand in some strange consumerism-detrivoresque performance/creation of self. But if I can't break from it, I will live my life stuck in the shed skins of others!! 13.20pm. Back in my room on the couch. Text says: Lunch. Reading. Täpi. 16pm. Doing dishes. 17.28pm. Two unleashed dogs are walking next to the train tracks!!! On the train, I realise: Wow I am fully unsatisfied with my way of existing in the world! Poking at the big bad thing. 18.15pm. I get swarmed by cats against a whiteboard. Then I attempt to teach them pronunciation. Text says: Work! I love these guys!!! 19pm adn 20pm and on. The class of shocked cats stare at me silently. Text reads: ...Test next week (They'll be fine) 21.35pm. I watch a medium sized dog sit on the metro. He reminds me of my beloved yet deceased cat. Text says: Traversed the entire metro to see this guy better. I think: What is he.. a pitbull...? Why do dogs always sit in that stupid ass way.... 22pm One cat is loafing with my dinner (pasta) on its head, another with a soap bar, showering. Text reads: Oh joyful maintenance of life, we live and must live in the chores, the inbetween moments. Below, I read on the couch 22.30pm and on. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!
Note added 15/2/25

Rereading these hourlies actually made me face up to some base conditions in my life and make some changes. What do you know!

2023 9am. Eyes 10am. Meowing at dog 11am. Pondering cabbage 12pm. Around this time i make and buy tuna salad 13pm and hours following. Crisis over making kimchi. 14pm. Dog gets picked up and is thrilled 15/16pm. Finish the kimchi and boil chickpeas 17pm. Drawing hourly comics 17pm redux. Hear argument from other apartment and take sides 18pm. Walk in the dark under strong moonlight 19 and 20pm. Cooking chana masala. I used to never follow recipes, but now I often do. It is not all inside myself. There is more to understand outside Rest of the day. Drawing hourly comics and reading etc.
So about that kimchi

The store was marketing the strange cabbage I used as a "kale/brussels sprout" hybrid. Soon after I consulted with my mother who informed me it was most likely the top shoots of a perrenial leafy cabbage. I had been tricked! Into buying one of my favorite cabbages.

2022 10-11am. Wake and eat breakfast oats and start work. This date the government decided covid was cancelled 12pm. Still working. Boring 13pm. Making soba noodle lunch for myself and flatmate 14+15+16pm. Wprking and pondering kidlit artists of my childhood drawing racist caricatures due to the death of one 17+18+19pm. Walking and cooking soup 19+20pm. Dinner and TV lions. That's all
2021 Waking at 7. Working at 8 as beans boil. 9 10 11, working on the couch surrounded by weird creatures 12 lunch. Herring and onion on rye bread and a scone and a bean salad. 13 until 15.30 working walk until 17.58 18 and on. Dinner. smoked mackarel with potato and some white splat and avocado
In my defense..

I had been reading about those boullions you make from vegetable scraps, and several claimed to include potato peels.. let us say I have gotten smarter since then..

2020 Waking at 6..7.. 8 writing with a friend and 9 egg cats jumping onto my plate 9-10-11 eating egg cat sandwhich, reading comics and paitning book marks 12 biking somewhere.. I get lost many times
2019 8-12. Incoherent glimpses, mostly involving hands 12-19. A hand seems to be imvolved in something again. A book is being read? 12-20-21-? Pasta with a lot of grated parmesan, repeated. A lion
2018 7am. Waking for hydration 10am. Shower, breakfast, music.. 11am. Working and recycling 12pm. Scouting out a rolling pin 13. Bathroom flooor chill time, lunch, scripting, kneading dough 14+15+16 Drawing this 17 Groceries and chopping cooking 18pm making pizza 19pm flatmate returns and i draw this 20pm drawing and translating pizza recipe 21pm music practice 22+23 drawing hourly comics adn 23-24 SLEEP
I really used to live like this, huh..

This person is annoying to me in that way which is reserved for people who share your flaws but haven't moved past them yet.. Argh.
